The simplest way to know what website you are visiting is to the check the URL: the address of the website.
Common extensions include (but are not limited to): *.com, *.net, *, *.jp, *.org, etc.
Some Examples of Fake URLs -- This URL would take you to, NOT mybank.
Notice in the image above, when the mouse hovers over the link the URL is displayed at the bottom of the web browser. Hovering over a link, even one where the URL is spelled out, can be useful in figuring out if the link is okay to click.
Hover your mouse over the link below. Is the address in the text the same as the URL it is pointing to?
Notice that although the text shows a safe URL, the link is actually programmed to go to a different URL. This is a big red flag!
Understanding the construction of a URL is your most important defense against phishing attacks. If you're confused by a URL, it's best to ask someone for help to determine if it's safe to click it!
If you still can't find an answer to what you're looking for, or you have a specific question, open a new ticket and we'd be happy to help!
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